...but no one said it'd be this hard! Just got Calvin registered for Kindergarten after a year of stressful sleepless nights and handfuls or grey or lost hair. My God, it's got to be as crazy as selecting a college used to be! I spent months poring over data, talking to parents, prinicpals, teachers, etc. For KINDERGARTEN. I guess a box of crayons and a bottle of glue are just not enough anymore. I've officially joined the "helicopter" child-obsessed, over-involved cadre of parents.
Anyway, all of that angst was for naught - turns out the school we dreaded sending him to (our assigned school) is underperforming under No Child Left Behind. Through something the school district called AYP, he can go to the next nearest school...the school we had already applied for a variance for! (This may be the one and only positive result of NCLB.) What this means for us is that this is our assigned school and Natalie will go there as well (w/out applying for a variance). What this means for our community is that the socioeconomic gap keeps widening.