Just as we were putting the kids to bed, heard sirens and a long screech, and saw a blue car streak past the window, ending with a crash. With about 8 patrol cars (Everett Police, Sno Cty Sherrif, and possibly Marysville Police), they talked a young woman out of her car, under gunpoint. Found drugs in her car and were already carrying a felony arrest warrant. As Calvin said, "Mommy, she's a bad girl." Here's the photos:

The view from our yard (she drove right into the yard of the brand new condos next door, hit the black van, and bounced back about 20 ft.)

Our car, looking back at the skid marks (running about a block and a half).

The view from the street. The red arrow is pointing to the car she was driving.

Kids in their PJs review the scene of the crime.