Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Jury Duty and blogging

Just received summons for jury duty the same day I listened to the following story:

Jury Blogging
Lake Effect contributor Anne Reed talks with Jane Hampden about the new phenomenon of blogging jurors. Reed is a trial lawyer and jury consultant in Milwaukee. She’s a shareholder at Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren, SC, where she represents business clients in litigation and assists lawyers preparing for trial through Reinhart's Trial Science Institute. She writes about juries and jury trials at her blog, Deliberations, and at the Wisconsin Law Journal.

Hmmm...should I leave my laptop at home?

Friday, September 21, 2007

My latest story

Here's my latest story in the King County Bar Bulletin: UW Clinic Students Making a Difference. Has lots of errors and I assume something happened between the print and on-line edition...I mean, I NEVER mispel wurds :-)

Friday, September 07, 2007

Unconditional Love

This week's American Life story, Unconditional Love , was amazing and heartwarming. It certainly gives perspective to any parent who thinks they've either got it figured out (they don't) or who's in the worst situation (they're not). Take an hour out of your day to listen - it's worth it.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Another exciting night in the 'hood

Just as we were putting the kids to bed, heard sirens and a long screech, and saw a blue car streak past the window, ending with a crash. With about 8 patrol cars (Everett Police, Sno Cty Sherrif, and possibly Marysville Police), they talked a young woman out of her car, under gunpoint. Found drugs in her car and were already carrying a felony arrest warrant. As Calvin said, "Mommy, she's a bad girl." Here's the photos:

The view from our yard (she drove right into the yard of the brand new condos next door, hit the black van, and bounced back about 20 ft.)

Our car, looking back at the skid marks (running about a block and a half).

The view from the street. The red arrow is pointing to the car she was driving.

Kids in their PJs review the scene of the crime.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Another story

Had this story featured in the UW campus newspaper, UWeek. Professor Rodgers is awesome and so soft spoken that it's hard to believe he has really been at the forefront of environmental law. Such a nice guy!

Champion of the environment: Law school's Bill Rodgers to be celebrated Earth Day weekend

Friday, February 09, 2007

my latest story

My latest piece, published this month in the King County Bar Association Bulletin, about the history of public service at the law school:

Here's my previous piece, a profile of an emeritus professor: